Showing posts with label animal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label animal. Show all posts

Friday, April 17, 2015

Red Fox charming brown feathers

The red fox (Vulpes vulpes) is the largest of the true foxes and the most abundant wild member of the Carnivora, being present across the entire Northern Hemisphere from the Arctic Circle to North Africa, Central America and Asia. It is listed as least concern by the IUCN. Its range has increased alongside human expansion, having been introduced to Australia, where it is considered harmful to native mammals and bird populations. Due to its presence in Australia, it is included among the list of the "world's 100 worst invasive species"

The red fox originated from smaller-sized ancestors from Eurasia during the Middle Villafranchian period, and colonised North America shortly after the Wisconsin glaciation. Among the true foxes, the red fox represents a more progressive form in the direction of carnivory. Apart from its large size, the red fox is distinguished from other fox species by its ability to adapt quickly to new environments. Despite its name, the species often produces individuals with other colourings, including albinos and melanists. Forty-five subspecies are currently recognised,[8] which are divided into two categories: the large northern foxes, and the small, basal southern foxes of Asia and the Middle East.

Red foxes are usually together in pairs or small groups consisting of families, such as a mated pair and their young, or a male with several females having kinship ties. The young of the mated pair remain with their parents to assist in caring for new kits. The species primarily feeds on small rodents, though it may also target rabbits, game birds, reptiles, invertebrates and young ungulates. Fruit and vegetable matter is also eaten sometimes Although the red fox tends to kill smaller predators, including other fox species, it is vulnerable to attack from larger predators, such as wolves, coyotes, golden jackals and medium- and large-sized felines.

The species has a long history of association with humans, having been extensively hunted as a pest and furbearer for many centuries, as well as being represented in human folklore and mythology. Because of its widespread distribution and large population, the red fox is one of the most important furbearing animals harvested for the fur trade It is the only fox native to Western Europe, and so is simply called "the fox" in colloquial British English

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

eagle spread the wonderful charm

Eagles are large, powerfully built birds of prey, with a heavy head and beak. Even the smallest eagles, like the booted eagle (Aquila pennata) (which is comparable in size to a common buzzard (Buteo buteo) or red-tailed hawk (B. jamaicensis)), have relatively longer and more evenly broad wings, and more direct, faster flight – despite the reduced size of aerodynamic feathers. Most eagles are larger than any other raptors apart from some vultures. The smallest species of eagle is the South Nicobar serpent eagle (Spilornis klossi), at 450 g (1 lb) and 40 cm (16 in). The largest species are discussed below. Like all birds of prey, eagles have very large hooked beaks for tearing flesh from their prey, strong muscular legs, and powerful talons. The beak is typically heavier than that of most other birds of prey. Eagles' eyes are extremely powerful, having up to 3.6 times human acuity for the martial eagle, which enables them to spot potential prey from a very long distance. This keen eyesight is primarily attributed to their extremely large pupils which ensure minimal diffraction (scattering) of the incoming light. The female of all known species of eagle is larger than the male.

Eagles normally build their nests, called eyries, in tall trees or on high cliffs. Many species lay two eggs, but the older, larger chick frequently kills its younger sibling once it has hatched. The dominant chick tends to be the female, as they are bigger than the male. The parents take no action to stop the killing.

Due to the size and power of many eagle species, they are ranked at the top of the food chain as apex predators in the avian world. The type of prey varies from genus to genus. The Haliaeetus and Ichthyology eagles prefer to capture fish, though the species in the former often capture various animals, especially other water birds, and are powerful kleptoparasites of other birds. The snake and serpent eagles of the genera Circaetus, Terathopius and Spilornis predominantly prey on the great diversity of snakes that are found in the tropics of Africa and Asia. The eagles of the genus Aquila are often the top birds of prey in open habitats, taking almost any medium-sized vertebrate they can catch. Where Aquila eagles are absent, other eagles, such as the buteonine black-chested buzzard-eagle of South America, may assume the position of top raptorial predator in open areas. Many other eagles, including the species-rich Spizaetus genus, live predominantly in woodlands and forest. These eagles often target various arboreal or ground-dwelling mammals and birds, which are often unsuspectingly ambushed in such dense, knotty environments. Hunting techniques differ among the species and genera, with some individual eagles having engaged in quite varied techniques based their environment and prey at any given time. Most eagles grab prey without landing and take flight with it so the prey can be carried to a perch and torn apart. The bald eagle is noted for having flown with the heaviest load verified to be carried by any flying bird, since one eagle flew with a 6.8 kg (15 lb) mule deer fawn. However, a few eagles may target prey considerably heavier than themselves; such prey is too heavy to fly with and thus it is either eaten at the site of the kill or taken in pieces back to a perch or nest. Golden and crowned eagles have killed ungulates weighing up to 30 kg (66 lb) and a martial eagle even killed a 37 kg (82 lb) duiker, 7–8 times heavier than the predating eagle. Authors on birds David Allen Sibley, Pete Dunne and Clay Sutton, described the behavioral difference between hunting eagles and other birds of prey thus (in this case the bald and golden eagles as compared to other North American raptors)

eagle fly freely
eagle fly freely

eagle white head
eagle white head

eagles flying in the sky
eagles flying in the sky

golden eagle fly free hunt prey
golden eagle fly free hunt prey

golden eagle fly free
golden eagle fly free

Friday, February 27, 2015

beautiful black lady beetle and beautiful

Lady beetles are the Coccinellidae, a family of beetles. All species are protected by noxious fluids based on cyanide, and most have warning colouration, such as red with black spots.

They are often called lady bugs or ladybirds, but biologists prefer the term lady beetle.

Coccinellids are found worldwide, with over 5,000 species. Most species are carnivorous, feeding mainly on the true bugs, the Hemiptera. Their favourite food is pests such as aphids (greenfly) or scale insects. Their larvae are also voracious (greedy) eaters of greenfly.

Harmonia axyridis (or the Harlequin ladybug) was introduced into North America from Asia in 1988 to control aphids but is now the most common species as it is out-competing many of the native species. It has since spread to much of western Europe, reaching the UK in 2004.
Coccinellids are often brightly coloured to warn potential predators. This phenomenon is called aposematism and works because predators learn by experience to associate certain prey phenotypes (appearance) with a bad taste (or worse).

Mechanical stimulation (such as by predator attack) causes "reflex bleeding" in both larval and adult ladybird beetles, in which a toxin is put through the joints of the exoskeleton, deterring feeding. This method works well; birds and cats seldom try twice.
Most coccinellids overwinter as adults.In Harmonia axyridis, eggs hatch in 3–4 days from clutches numbering from a few to several dozen. Depending on the supply of aphids, the larvae pass through four instars over 10–14 days, after which pupation occurs. After several days, the adults become reproductively active and are able to reproduce again, though not late in the season. Total life span is 1–2 years on average.

It only takes about four weeks for the ladybeetle to transform from a tiny egg to an adult. Some females can lay up to 1,000 eggs in one summer. The ladybeetle may lay her eggs near an aphid colony, or on plants where the larvae will have a ready supply of food when they hatch.

Almost all lady beetles are insectivores: they eat other insects. Many of these insects have soft bodies, such as aphids. Even the larvae eat other insects. Aphids are a huge problem for farmers and gardeners, and therefore a ladybug is a great help to the farmer. Some species of ants herd aphids like sheep, and will attack a ladybeetle that tries to eat one of their aphids.

beautiful black lady beetle

beautiful lady beetle brown

beautiful lady beetle yellow

beautiful orange lady beetle

beautiful pink lady beetle

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

peacock with their beauty

Peafowl include two Asiatic species (the blue or Indian peafowl originally of India and Sri Lanka and the green peafowl of Burma, Indochina, and Java) and one African species (the Congo peacock native only to the Congo Basin) of bird in the genus Pavo and Afropavo of the phasianidae family, the pheasants and their allies, known for the male's piercing call and, among the Asiatic species, his extravagant eye-spotted tail covert feathers which he displays as part of a courtship ritual. The term peacock is properly reserved for the male; the female is known as a peahen, and the immature offspring are sometimes called peachicks.

In common with other members of the galliformes, peacocks possess metatarsal spurs or "thorns" on their legs used during intraspecific territorial fights.

The elaborate iridescent coloration and large "train" of peacocks have been the subject of extensive scientific debate about their function. Charles Darwin suggested they served to attract females, and that the showy features of the males had evolved by sexual selection. More recently, Amotz Zahavi proposed in his handicap theory that these features acted as honest signals of the males' fitness, since less fit males would be disadvantaged by the difficulty of surviving with such large and conspicuous structures
The Indian peacock has iridescent blue and green plumage. The peacock "tail", known as a "train", consists not of tail quill feathers but highly elongated upper tail coverts. These feathers are marked with eyespots, best seen when a peacock fans his tail. Both sexes of all species have a crest atop the head. The Indian peahen has a mixture of dull grey, brown, and green in her plumage. The female also displays her plumage to ward off female competition or signal danger to her young.

The even more splendid green peafowl differs from the Indian peafowl in that the male has green and gold plumage with black wings with a sheen of blue. Unlike the Indian peafowl, the green peahen is similar to the male, only having shorter upper tail coverts, a more coppery neck, and overall less iridescence.

The Congo peacock male does not display his covert feathers, but uses his actual tail feathers during courtship displays. These feathers are much shorter than those of the Indian and green species, and the ocelli are much less pronounced. Females of the Indian and African species are dull grey and/or brown.

Chicks of both sexes in all the species are cryptically coloured. They vary between yellow and tawny, usually with patches of darker brown or light tan and "dirty white" ivory.
A leucistic Indian peacock

Occasionally peafowl appear with white plumage. Although albino peafowl do exist, this is quite rare and almost all white peafowl are not, in fact, albinos: they have a genetic mutation called leucism which causes an overall reduction in pigment which, in peafowl, causes a complete lack of pigment in their plumage but still leaves them with blue eyes; by contrast, true albino peafowl have a complete lack of melanin and therefore have white plumage but also an albino's characteristic red or pink eyes. Leucistic peachicks are born yellow and become fully white as they mature.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

The bear charming and interesting

The Bears are Mammals of the family Ursidae. The Bears are classified as caniforms, or doglike carnivorans, with the pinnipeds being Reviews their closest living relatives. Although only eight species of bears are extant, they are widespread, Appearing in a wide variety of habitats throughout the Northern Hemisphere and partially in the Southern Hemisphere. The Bears are found on the continents of North America, South America, Europe, and Asia.

Common characteristics of modern bears include large bodies with Stocky legs, long snouts, shaggy hair, plantigrade paws with five nonretractile claws, and short tails. While the polar bear is mostly carnivorous, and the giant panda feeds almost entirely on bamboo, the remaining six species are omnivorous with varied diets.

With the exceptions of courting individuals and mothers with Reviews their young, bears are typically solitary animals. Generally They are diurnal, but may be active during the night (nocturnal) or twilight (crepuscular), par- ticularly around Humans. The Bears possess an excellent sense of smell and, despite Reviews their heavy build and awkward gait, are adept runners, climbers and swimmers. In autumn, some bear species forage large Amounts of fermented fruits, roomates Affects Reviews their behavior. The Bears use shelters, Reviews such as caves and burrows, as their dens; most species Occupy Reviews their dens during the winter for a long period (up to 100 days) of sleep similar to hibernation.

The Bears have been hunted since prehistoric times for Reviews their meat and fur. With Reviews their tremendous physical presence and charisma, they play a prominent role in the Arts, mythology, and other cultural aspects of various human societies. In modern times, the bears' existence has been pressured through the encroachment on their habitats and the illegal trade of bears and bear parts, Including the Asian bile bear market. The IUCN lists six bear species as vulnerable or endangered, and even least concern species, Reviews such as the brown bear, are at risk of extirpation in on certain countries. The poaching and international trade of most threatened Populations Reviews These are prohibited, but still ongoing
bears and cubs are kidding

bears and cubs

the mountain bear cubs and its mother

white bear cub


Tuesday, January 27, 2015

giant pandas from China attractive

The giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca, lit. "black and white cat-foot"; simplified Chinese: 大熊猫; traditional Chinese: 大熊貓; pinyin: dàxióngmāo, lit. "big(大 dà) bear(熊 xióng) cat(猫 māo)"),also known as panda bear or simply panda, is a bear native to south central China. It is easily recognized by the large, distinctive black patches around its eyes, over the ears, and across its round body. The name "giant panda" is sometimes used to distinguish it from the unrelated red panda. Though it belongs to the order Carnivora, the giant panda's diet is over 99% bamboo. Giant pandas in the wild will occasionally eat other grasses, wild tubers, or even meat in the form of birds, rodents or carrion. In captivity, they may receive honey, eggs, fish, yams, shrub leaves, oranges, or bananas along with specially prepared food.

The giant panda lives in a few mountain ranges in central China, mainly in Sichuan province, but also in Shaanxi and Gansu provinces. As a result of farming, deforestation, and other development, the giant panda has been driven out of the lowland areas where it once lived.

The giant panda is a conservation reliant endangered species.A 2007 report shows 239 pandas living in captivity inside China and another 27 outside the country. As of December 2014, 49 giant pandas live in captivity outside China, living in 18 zoos in 13 different countries. Wild population estimates vary; one estimate shows that there are about 1,590 individuals living in the wild, while a 2006 study via DNA analysis estimated that this figure could be as high as 2,000 to 3,000. Some reports also show that the number of giant pandas in the wild is on the rise. However, the IUCN does not believe there is enough certainty yet to reclassify the species from Endangered to Vulnerable.


Sunday, January 25, 2015

birds with different colors

Birds or poultry are members of vertebrate animals (vertebrates) that have feathers and wings. The oldest fossils of birds found in Germany and known as Archaeopteryx.

The types of birds are so varied, ranging from tiny hummingbirds to ostriches, which is higher than man. It is estimated that there are approximately 8800-10200 bird species throughout the world; approximately 1,500 species of which are found in Indonesia. Various species of birds have been scientifically classified in the class Aves.

Most birds have to eat at least half of their body weight each day.

Most birds occupying various locations in ecology. While some other common birds occupy a very special place in their habitat or based on where the location of the type of food being. Even within a single habitat, such as forests, this area can be occupied by a variety of bird species varies, with some species live in the forest canopy, some under the canopy itself, as well as several others in the forest itself. Birds that live in the surrounding waters are generally looking for food by fishing, plant eating, and hijack other animal foods. Birds of prey specialize in hunting other animals or birds
The following are examples of birds
beautiful red bird
beautiful red bird

beautiful the blue bird
beautiful the blue bird

bird beak long
bird beak long

colorful birds
colorful birds

the blue bird
the blue bird

topknot bird
topknot bird

Friday, January 23, 2015

history cute dogs and puppies

The domestic dog (Cains lupus familiar is) is a Candi that is known as man's best friend. The dog was the first Domesticated animal and has been kept as a working Instant confirmation, hunting, and companion pet. According to recent estimates coarse, there are currently between 700 million and one billion dogs, making them the most abundant member of the order Carnivore in the world.

The term "domestic dog" is Generally used for both of the Domesticated and feral varieties. The English word dog comes from Middle English Dodge, from Old English docs, a "powerful dog breed" .The term may possibly derive from Porto-Germanic * dukkōn, represented in Old English finger-Docce ("finger-muscle"). The word Also shows the familiar diminutive pet name Ga Also seen in frogga "frog", pics "pig", stag "stag", wicga "beetle, worm", Among others. Ultimately the term dog may derive from the earliest layer of Pro to-In do-European vocabulary, reflecting the role of the dog as the earliest Domesticated animal.

In 14th-century England, hound (from Old English: hind) was the general word for all domestic canines, and dog Referred to a subtype of hound, a group Including the mastiff. It is Believed this "dog" type was so common, it Eventually Became the prototype of the category "hound". By the 16th century, dog had Become the general word, and hound had begun to refer only to types used for hunting. Hound, cognate to German Hund, Dutch Hond, common Scandinavian hund, and Icelandic Hundur, is Ultimately derived from the Pro to-In do-European * kw on- "dog", found in Sanskrit kukuur (कुक्कुर), Welsh Ci (plural CWN), Latin canis, Greek Kyon, and Lithuanian Suo.

In breeding circles, a male from canine is Referred to as a dog, while a female is called a bitch (Middle English bicche, from Old English bicce, from Old Norse Ultimately bikkja). A group of offspring is a litter. The father of a litter is called the sire, and the mother is called the dam. Offspring are, in general, called pups or puppies, from French Poupee, until they are about a year old. The process of birth is whelping, from the Old English word hwelp (cf. Whelp German, Dutch Welp, Valpa Swedish, Icelandic hvelpur). The term "whelp" can also be used to refer to the young of any canid, or as a (somewhat archaic) alternative to "puppy".

cute little dog and sweet brown and white thick fur
cute little dog and sweet brown and white thick fur

cute little dog and sweet brown and white
cute little dog and sweet brown and white

cute little dog and sweet
cute little dog and sweet

cute little dog
cute little dog

funny puppy
funny puppyhistory cute dogs and puppies

rabbits and beautiful family in the grass

Rabbits are small mammals in the family Leporidae of the order Lagomorpha, found in several parts of the world. There are eight different genera in the family classified as rabbits, including the European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus), cottontail rabbits (genus Sylvilagus; 13 species), and the Amami rabbit (Pentalagus furnessi, an endangered species on Amami Ōshima, Japan). There are many other species of rabbit, and these, along with pikas and hares, make up the order Lagomorpha. The male is called a buck and the female is a doe; a young rabbit is a kitten or kit

Rabbit habitats include meadows, woods, forests, grasslands, deserts and wetlands. Rabbits live in groups, and the best known species, the European rabbit, lives in underground burrows, or rabbit holes. A group of burrows is called a warren.

More than half the world's rabbit population resides in North America.They are also native to southwestern Europe, Southeast Asia, Sumatra, some islands of Japan, and in parts of Africa and South America. They are not naturally found in most of Eurasia, where a number of species of hares are present. Rabbits first entered South America relatively recently, as part of the Great American Interchange. Much of the continent has just one species of rabbit, the tapeti, while most of South America's southern cone is without rabbits.
rabbit and black and white families
rabbit and black and white families

rabbit and brown color family
rabbit and brown color family

rabbit and cute family
rabbit and cute family

rabbit and gorgeous family
rabbit and gorgeous family

rabbits and beautiful family in the grass
rabbits and beautiful family in the grass and beautiful family in the grass

Thursday, January 22, 2015

the tiger and his family

The tiger (Panthers tigress) is the largest cat species, reaching a total body length of up to 3.38 m (11.1 ft) over curves and weighing up to 388.7 kg (857 lb) in the wild. Its most recognisable feature is a pattern of dark vertical stripes on reddish-orange fur with a lighter underside. The species is classified in the genus Panthers with the lion, leopard, jaguar and snow leopard. Tigers are apex predators, primarily preying on ungulates such as deer and ovoids. They are territorial and generally solitary but social animals, often requiring large contiguous areas of habitat that support their prey requirements. This, coupled with the fact that they are indigenous to some of the more densely populated places on Earth, has caused significant conflicts with humans.

Tigers once ranged widely across Asia, from Turkey in the west to the eastern coast of Russia. Over the past 100 years, they have lost 93% of their historic range, and have been extirpated from southwest and central Asia, from the islands of Java and Bali, and from large areas of Southeast and Eastern Asia. Today, they range from the Siberian taiga to open grasslands and tropical mangrove swamps. The remaining six tiger subspecies have been classified as endangered by IUCN. The global population in the wild is estimated to number between 3,062 and 3,948 individuals, down from around 100,000 at the start of the 20th century, with most remaining populations occurring in small pockets isolated from each other, of which about 2,000 exist on the Indian subcontinent.9:22 AM 1/22/2015 Major reasons for population decline include habitat destruction, habitat fragmentation and poaching. The extent of area occupied by tigers is estimated at less than 1,184,911 km2 (457,497 sq mi), a 41% decline from the area estimated in the mid-1990s.

Tigers are among the most recognisable and popular of the world's charismatic mega fauna. They have featured prominently in ancient mythology and folklore, and continue to be depicted in modern films and literature. They appear on many flags, coats of arms, and as mascots for sporting teams. The tiger is the national animal of Bangladesh, India, Vietnam, Malaysia and South Korea.

cute tiger cubs
cute tiger cubs

tiger and son
tiger and son

tiger running
tiger running

white tiger and her son
white tiger and her son

white tiger gathered

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