Saturday, February 7, 2015

italian restaurant design luxury 2015

Dining outside the home is now becoming increasingly favored by the public, especially those who are daily preoccupied by daily routine work. Therefore, it is becoming increasingly popular even this business and of course, the competition for business ketatlah restaurant or culinary.

Many methods are used by businesses to attract buyers. In this case we discuss the business of restaurant owners, restaurant, café interior design to optimize their business space. Most of them today, decided to entrust the matter kpd the interior designer or architect. Although few will .menambah budget to invest.

However, for your actual business people like this ... the cost to pay an interior architect will be no match if the results of the design will make more effort forward. Buyers will be interested and even enjoy when I am in a restaurant or café designed attractive.

Not a few nan business owners try to reduce the investment cost with designing their own place of business. Or entrust a design to the artisan. This is because if a wrong in determining a suitable design, will result in your business actually lose money. It could be due to incorrect design, unattractive, so buyers do not feel or less enjoy the delicious menu served in restaurang, restaurant or café you.

It's okay if we found that the most important is that you are selling a product (in this case cuisine in the restaurant that you manage) and not a place of comfort. But if we should give to your question ... what if a competitor (which kebetulah located not far from the place of your business) you provide the same delicious dishes but is supported by a good design? We think buyers will surely choose your competitors are.

Well, in this article we will give you some tips that relate to the design seuah restaurant, restaurant or cafe:

Looking for a qualified designer. Why? Because they will save money in the end. They are not indiscriminate in determining a design. Not always an interior that uses expensive materials will be suitable to be applied later. They will choose a design based on many aspects, such as the target market, your product types, trends and others. They also have pick of data or knowledge about the use of suitable materials that can be purchased or the price is cheaper than if you buy the materials themselves in the market. It is important to keep in mind!

In terms of coloring, if you decide to design your own, then use a unidirectional staining, for example chocolate combined with the color of cream, black mixed with white, yellow with people and so on. Without the expertise that is too bold use of color would risk the room becomes irregular (read messy) seem even more cramped.

Never make the kitchen easily seen by the purchaser if the kitchen is not designed properly, or designed sober. Especially if your kitchen is dirty, it will create an impression that is not good for consumers later.

If there is a side or a blank wall, especially the empty side of the wall. Berukurang large enough, then give something that makes people have been interested to see it, for example a large carving, painting, emboss logos and others. It also could be a hallmark for our meal home later.

Spatial. Make sure the room is not ignoring the circulation of people in it. Make sure also that the distance between the tables, chairs and space to meet the standards of human movement (ie at least 60cm)
italian restaurant design luxurious and magnificent and beautiful
italian restaurant design luxurious and magnificent and beautiful

italian restaurant design luxurious and magnificent
italian restaurant design luxurious and magnificent

italian restaurant for its luxurious design artistic
italian restaurant for its luxurious design artistic

italian restaurant for its luxurious design
italian restaurant for its luxurious design

italian restaurant luxurious artistic design with kitchen
italian restaurant luxurious artistic design with kitchen

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Restaurant Design and restaurant do business tips

At present many emerging variety of restaurants with all kinds of advantages and uniqueness of each. This indicates that the restaurant business is growing because it is supported by an increase in the welfare of society where their purchasing power increases
The restaurant business does not ever die. how can it be like that ?! yes, this is indeed flourished along with the number of people and lifestyles who want a fast-paced presented. Consciously or not, with a population growth more so the more food needs to be provided.

Preparation first to start any business, including home meal is prepared mentally to face the challenges of fears and doubts of failure. After this first step, now comes to the operation of your business plan. Technical issues concerning the ins and outs of the job needs to be prepared neat.

Start of compute capability of self, skills possessed concerning the employment field, to the restaurant business should at least understand the cuisine. Good cook, better yet an expert cook. However, to become a restaurant entrepreneur does not have to be an expert cook first, but the important thing is being able to manage the business, experts who can cook can be recruited.

Preparation of starting a business in the restaurant / eating place other, is the availability of infrastructure and facilities. Definition of availability does not mean to be his, but can be obtained from borrow or rent in advance, unless indeed there is sufficient funds are deliberately invested into your business for the long term.

Infrastructure is the ease of physical and non-physical that supports the operation of facilities or equipment. While the means are the tools to carry out certain activities.

In the restaurant business / restaurant, then that includes infrastructure is a strategic place, experts (cook), venture capital, and business licenses, while tables, chairs, cutlery, cookware, and so are the means.

Food business including large risk business. Because of different food business with other businesses. Except that we sell are dry food, which can last for months. However, if you believe that a good market share, then the food business will benefit multiplier.

In our food business is not required to be able to make the food that will be sold. Because many successful food business of taking food elsewhere, then sell it again. And for those of you who cook, but can not sell, you also can leave him in the cafeteria, or in places that are crowded.

Food business does not belong to women, many men who become world-class chefs. And the most successful food sellers are male. Taste the cuisine is no less than a woman cooking.

For food business, if you are confused in choosing what foods to be sold, you can start from your favorite foods. If you are more adventurous, you can start from foods that are sold around the place you want to sell, and of course the much needed place. Please taste delicious food business.

Restaurant business is also very sensitive to the taste, it is essential that there are artisan cuisine truly skilled in the art. Selling the one of the best cuisine and high quality. Do not try to open a restaurant if there is no great cook cooking.

You should also take care of their business licenses. Can a business license from the local security. But in principle, I mean the legal entity that is the notary deed. It is very necessary when you are in the business side of the road and involves several workers. No need to set up a PT or CV, for example, is quite the status of UD (Trade Enterprises) private property, that you are authenticated by a notary following examples or restaurant where you can create and develop

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Restaurant Design a beautiful and lavish

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Restaurant Design with an artistic

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