Monday, January 26, 2015

bathroom interior design ideas and treatment

bathroom interior design ideas beautiful romantic and luxurious and expensive
bathroom interior design ideas beautiful romantic and luxurious and expensive

bathroom interior design ideas beautiful romantic and luxurious

bathroom interior design ideas romance

bathroom interior design ideas romantic and beautiful red color

bathroom interior design ideas romantic and beautiful

Perform routine maintenance of the bathroom. There are at least two bathroom routine maintenance activities to be performed, the daily care and great clean once a week.

1. Care everyday.

     Scrubbing the walls and floor of the bathroom with carbolic or other cleaning fluid. After that, rinse with clean water so that no dirt or moss that had already accumulated and difficult to clean.
     Use the cleaning liquid to taste. If excessive, spoilage bacteria in drains and septic tank will die so that no dirt decay process runs as it should. As a result, you will be blocked drains, quickly, and so on. When possible, choose environmentally friendly cleaning liquid, odorless, and do not turn off spoilage bacteria in waterways.

2. Large Cleaning once a week includes cleaning the toilet and the tub drain water.

     Toilet, pour a little bleach into the toilet, or sprinkle with powdered cleanser suitable, brush with toilet brush. Afterwards, rinse the toilet brush with hot soapy water. Clean the toilet seat with disinfectant fluid, flush with water.
     Tubs, if any part of the dirty, flush with water as hot as possible for a few moments for easy cleaning, and brush, rinse thoroughly and pat dry. You can also use a cleanser, depending on the material of the tub.
     Water tap, rub it with a cleaner for stainless steel, rinse with hot water. Wipe dry faucet. When the old water faucet is not used, circulate hot water, let a few minutes before use following examples clean and beautiful bathroom

Sunday, January 25, 2015

birds with different colors

Birds or poultry are members of vertebrate animals (vertebrates) that have feathers and wings. The oldest fossils of birds found in Germany and known as Archaeopteryx.

The types of birds are so varied, ranging from tiny hummingbirds to ostriches, which is higher than man. It is estimated that there are approximately 8800-10200 bird species throughout the world; approximately 1,500 species of which are found in Indonesia. Various species of birds have been scientifically classified in the class Aves.

Most birds have to eat at least half of their body weight each day.

Most birds occupying various locations in ecology. While some other common birds occupy a very special place in their habitat or based on where the location of the type of food being. Even within a single habitat, such as forests, this area can be occupied by a variety of bird species varies, with some species live in the forest canopy, some under the canopy itself, as well as several others in the forest itself. Birds that live in the surrounding waters are generally looking for food by fishing, plant eating, and hijack other animal foods. Birds of prey specialize in hunting other animals or birds
The following are examples of birds
beautiful red bird
beautiful red bird

beautiful the blue bird
beautiful the blue bird

bird beak long
bird beak long

colorful birds
colorful birds

the blue bird
the blue bird

topknot bird
topknot bird

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