Friday, January 23, 2015

history cute dogs and puppies

The domestic dog (Cains lupus familiar is) is a Candi that is known as man's best friend. The dog was the first Domesticated animal and has been kept as a working Instant confirmation, hunting, and companion pet. According to recent estimates coarse, there are currently between 700 million and one billion dogs, making them the most abundant member of the order Carnivore in the world.

The term "domestic dog" is Generally used for both of the Domesticated and feral varieties. The English word dog comes from Middle English Dodge, from Old English docs, a "powerful dog breed" .The term may possibly derive from Porto-Germanic * dukkōn, represented in Old English finger-Docce ("finger-muscle"). The word Also shows the familiar diminutive pet name Ga Also seen in frogga "frog", pics "pig", stag "stag", wicga "beetle, worm", Among others. Ultimately the term dog may derive from the earliest layer of Pro to-In do-European vocabulary, reflecting the role of the dog as the earliest Domesticated animal.

In 14th-century England, hound (from Old English: hind) was the general word for all domestic canines, and dog Referred to a subtype of hound, a group Including the mastiff. It is Believed this "dog" type was so common, it Eventually Became the prototype of the category "hound". By the 16th century, dog had Become the general word, and hound had begun to refer only to types used for hunting. Hound, cognate to German Hund, Dutch Hond, common Scandinavian hund, and Icelandic Hundur, is Ultimately derived from the Pro to-In do-European * kw on- "dog", found in Sanskrit kukuur (कुक्कुर), Welsh Ci (plural CWN), Latin canis, Greek Kyon, and Lithuanian Suo.

In breeding circles, a male from canine is Referred to as a dog, while a female is called a bitch (Middle English bicche, from Old English bicce, from Old Norse Ultimately bikkja). A group of offspring is a litter. The father of a litter is called the sire, and the mother is called the dam. Offspring are, in general, called pups or puppies, from French Poupee, until they are about a year old. The process of birth is whelping, from the Old English word hwelp (cf. Whelp German, Dutch Welp, Valpa Swedish, Icelandic hvelpur). The term "whelp" can also be used to refer to the young of any canid, or as a (somewhat archaic) alternative to "puppy".

cute little dog and sweet brown and white thick fur
cute little dog and sweet brown and white thick fur

cute little dog and sweet brown and white
cute little dog and sweet brown and white

cute little dog and sweet
cute little dog and sweet

cute little dog
cute little dog

funny puppy
funny puppyhistory cute dogs and puppies

rabbits and beautiful family in the grass

Rabbits are small mammals in the family Leporidae of the order Lagomorpha, found in several parts of the world. There are eight different genera in the family classified as rabbits, including the European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus), cottontail rabbits (genus Sylvilagus; 13 species), and the Amami rabbit (Pentalagus furnessi, an endangered species on Amami Ōshima, Japan). There are many other species of rabbit, and these, along with pikas and hares, make up the order Lagomorpha. The male is called a buck and the female is a doe; a young rabbit is a kitten or kit

Rabbit habitats include meadows, woods, forests, grasslands, deserts and wetlands. Rabbits live in groups, and the best known species, the European rabbit, lives in underground burrows, or rabbit holes. A group of burrows is called a warren.

More than half the world's rabbit population resides in North America.They are also native to southwestern Europe, Southeast Asia, Sumatra, some islands of Japan, and in parts of Africa and South America. They are not naturally found in most of Eurasia, where a number of species of hares are present. Rabbits first entered South America relatively recently, as part of the Great American Interchange. Much of the continent has just one species of rabbit, the tapeti, while most of South America's southern cone is without rabbits.
rabbit and black and white families
rabbit and black and white families

rabbit and brown color family
rabbit and brown color family

rabbit and cute family
rabbit and cute family

rabbit and gorgeous family
rabbit and gorgeous family

rabbits and beautiful family in the grass
rabbits and beautiful family in the grass and beautiful family in the grass

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